Dear Friends,
At this time of crisis in Israel and in the Jewish world, I share with you Psalms and Prayers that are appropriate to recite and offer at this time. The selection of Psalms addresses common thoughts, feelings and hopes. The prayers include the prayer for Israel, a prayer for the Israel Defense Forces, a prayer for those who are missing or captive, a prayer for Israel at a time of anguish and a prayer for all of the victims (Jews and Palestinians and people of other nationalities and races.)
We hope that these psalms and prayers will serve as a resource to you during these stressful times.
I know we all join in praying for a good resolution to this crisis, a resolution that brings the hostages home and improves life for all residents of the region.
Psalms for this Time of Crisis in Israel
B'nai Zion Service Schedule
Join Us In Person or Virtually
Friday, Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:00 PM
Click here to join us
Saturday, Torah Study 9:00 AM
Saturday, Shabbat Morning Service 9:30 AM
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Sunday Morning Minyan 9:00 AM
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Monday Evening Minyan 6:00 PM
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Upcoming Events and Programs
Please see our Special Events page for information about coming events, weekly menus from our meals to go, and other programs!
Sun, February 16 2025
18 Shevat 5785
Shabbat Candle Lighting Time
Friday, February 14
Light Shabbat Candles at 5:34 PM
Saturday, February 15
Shabbat Ends at 6:29 PM
Contact Us
Phone: (915) 833-2222
E-mail: info@congregationbnaizion.org
For after hours emergencies only, please call (877) 245-2576 (this is a voice number only).
Address:805 Cherry Hill Lane
El Paso, Texas 79912
Office Hours:Mon.-Fri. 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
B'nai Zion Cemetery
Address: 3915 Gateway West Boulevard
El Paso, Texas 79905
Hours: Sunday - Friday 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Our Mission
Congregation B’nai Zion is a sacred community whose mission is to add Jewish value to the lives of our members engaging God, Torah and Israel as understood and taught by the Conservative Movement.
To accomplish our mission, B’nai Zion establishes educational, cultural, religious, social, and recreational activities that further the cause and objectives of Conservative Judaism. These include sustaining a culture of lifelong Jewish learning and encouraging the next generation of leaders through education and vibrant programming that inspire a sense of Jewish identity and Jewish community. To this end, Congregation B'nai Zion engages children, young adults, families, and seniors living in the Greater El Paso region in exciting events and meaningful Jewish experiences.
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