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BZUSY stands for B'nai Zion United Synagogue Youth. It is the El Paso chapter of USY, a Jewish Conservative Youth Group. We have programs concerning Israel, Judaism, Social Action, and Tikun Olam. BZUSY,our chapter of United Synagogue Youth, involves ninth through twelfth grade students in religious social, and community service activities. Members take part in religious and national USY conventions, and are encouraged to take part in USY’s Israel programs. Scholarships are also available for such programs.

Kadima, our junior youth group is for sixth through eighth graders. We offer middle school students a chance to interact socially and religiously prior to becoming members of USY. All of our youth programming is supported by the synagogue’s Youth Commission.

BZUSY is in the Southwest USY region. Our region is made up of three states (Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana) and is made up of over 100 members.

Fri, July 26 2024 20 Tammuz 5784