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Description of CBZ Committees

Cemetery: Cares for the cemetery, its burial plots, maintenance, beautification, finances, improvements and monuments.  


Development: Develops cultural education programs and activities to raise capital for either general operations or special projects.  Includes both the Ways & Means Committee and the Cultural & Education Committe


Finance: Reviews the financial operations of CBZ and reports its findings at the regular meetings of the Board of Directors.  Includes both the Budget Committee and the Dues & Retention Committee.


House: Provides maintenance, improvement, supervision and preservation of the buildings and properties of the congregation.


Membership: Keeps in touch with Jewish families in the community, particularly with new families, with the view of inviting them to become members of this congregation; also receives applications for membership, investigate such applications.


Nominating: Selects and presents to the congregation a list of nominees of eligible persons for officers and directors to stand  for election, which  list shall be voted on at the annual meeting.


Personnel: Negotiates and reviews of all employment agreements and evaluation of all employees’ performance and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the hiring and termination of all employees of the congregation.


Ritual: Is in charge of all religious services of the congregation and formulates rules and regulations for such services, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.  


Social Action: Develops and maintains relationships and other organizations in the community generally; studies community problems which may  arise  from  time to time and make  recommendations for appropriate action to the Board of Directors.


Talmud Torah: Supervises the CBZ school and determines policy and formulates rules and regulations for the administration of such school(s), subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. 


Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785